Mental and spiritual hygiene are the same if not more important than physical hygiene!
A person consists of 3 interacting components:
spirit, soul and body.
The spirit is our divine reflection and the source of the free will.
It produces thoughtwork using our brain/mind.
The soul is the connection element between spirit and body.
Hatred and negative thoughts deterior/damage the souls consistence which has negative results
1. on the individuals mental health
2. on the individuals constructivity, creativity and productivity
Hatred scriptures like quran damage a societies mental health, creativity and productivity! They also open and feed negative spirales of hatred and violence between the individual, inside and between the families, clans, groups, societies and toward everything "different".
Populistic politicians, leaders, judges, who do not draw the clear line of reasonability against these evil quran basics, are paving the way for it to take over. They are COLLABORATORS !