Sunday, December 14, 2008


Very few people know the true meaning of religion.

RELIGION means RE - LIGARE = BIND AGAIN TOGETHER (or: bring again together what belongs together)

However, BINDING shall not be confused with IMPOSING !
BINDING by arguments is the job of the lovers of the light
IMPOSING their 'arguments' (=perverted laws) to others is the job of the sons of the evil

BINDING means to bind in freedom through ARGUMENTS and CONSTRUCTIVE DEEDS, by COOPERATION in PLURALISM and DEMOCRACY, in total contrast to imposement by GUILE, DICTATE, DAMAGUGUERY, FASCISTIC LAWS, FEAR or even TERROR.

IMPOSEMENT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION. You can call it religion just to strategically hide the reality behind a nice word. However, the reality does not change if you give it another name. The truth remains that imposement is ANTIRELIGION, IT IS SATANS FOLLOWERS JOB !

FASHISM ist the principle of IMPOSEMENT
DEMOCRACY is the principle of BINDING

There is a universal moral right to replace fashism (=imposement) by democracy (=binding in pluralism) even applying force, since the good has the moral duty to fight the evil, but the evil has no moral right to fight the good, nor to defend itself, since the evil has no moral.
The moral is on the side of those who act for the good, not for the evil.
People is not being exploited in a democracy but in all forms of fashism !

FASHISM hates and fights DEMOCRACY!
So DEMOCRACY MUST NOT BE TOLERANT AGAINST THE INTOLERANT, BUT HAS TO FIGHT SOURCES OF FASHISM ON ITS ROOTS (like > Koran, > Sharia, > Mein Kampf), or to make sure through written agreements that all parts of the society support the democratic constitution in individual freedom and pluralism etc ANY time, even in case of decisive demographic changes !!!)

Current ISLAM = IMPOSEMENT, until it takes away its hands from politics, legislation, executive, peoples privacy and freedom. Only then ISLAM will become a religion instead of an evil fashistic ideology as it is now.