Yes, this is the big transition period of this earth out of the destructive age into the constructive era. The current period of changes includes the final confrontation between the good and the evil on this globe.
Lord Jesus Christ?

Yes ! he will come back, but not to take the fight off our hands. This is OUR job! This is the fight of EACH ONE of us! "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." If we don't fight we will pay an unspeakable high price for our irresponsible lethargy, since we somehow are all connected among each other throught the mass consciousness which per se influences the flow of mankinds history. In case of lethargy the antichrist -which will take power in Iran- will arise to enormous worldwide power, taking over European countries, ruling them with an iron hand. He will conquer by guile, through spies and corruption, but finally not hesitate to do unspeakable deeds in order to bring down to the knees the folks/countries he wants take over. He will also use a 'religious' ideology as a carrier for his plans.
But from today no one can say "I did not know"...
Jesus will come back after the evil will be HOPEFULLY successfully defeated. He will come back as one of us, as one of the simple people. As a modest man, called -according to his rulebraking mental skills and wisdom- the Great Genius he will unite religion and science, introducing the higher religions, thus making all things new again leading on this way the earth family toward the millennium of peace. Until to his coming Jesus Christ and the angels will provide their help to the more reasonable and responsible part of the earth family through inspiration & mindwork from the other side as far as they are asked for and in respect of the universal laws of solidarity. They are able to inspire each one of us (on the same way as evil spirits are able to "inspire" us, if we don't refuse them). It is up to us to whom we open our mind (portals). No demagogery, no meditation is needed, since thoughs and prayers are one and the same thing. It means EVERY THOUGHT is a prayer! So, just talk to your/our angels, they are waiting for!
We have to be aware that according to and in respect of the universal laws, regular help from the higher dimention becomes possible if honestly requested. So we have to deserve it and we have to ask for in honesty and for the purposes of the good, for the purposes of the individual and common enlightment, for help in making the right decisions, for answers on our questions. (not for gifts nor for egoism).
All other kind of mind intervention/inspiration from the other side would not represent any help but a prohibited intrusion or a falsification/distortion.
INTRUSION is evil's [satans] job which we have to refuse.
Evil does not care about the respect of the true universal laws, but prefers to sell his own laws as allegedly "divine" one.
HELP is the angels job, which we must deserve. We have to ask for and shall thank for. Be patient on this way, earlier or later you will start to experience how the angels communication through the subconsciousnss works. On a longer term you will rise into the higher plane of consciousness.
Advanced, reasonable, honest humans will get help from high spirits, while mentally retarded, unstable, egoistic, backminded humans may get feedback from lower spirits. This lies in the nature of the things. [Ogmios]
For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. (Matthew 13:10-14)