Friday, December 12, 2008


Everything from micro- up to macrocosmos, is auto-organized by the wired universal laws of God. Time exists only in connection with materia. Outside of the universe no time exists, but eternity only.

Anyway, the most impressing, not to be topped miracle existing is the human itself, much more than just a functioning entity but a literally CREATIV scientific being, a [currently] miniaturized copy of the ONE creator behind everything, along with the universe and all you can see around you.

So what more (superflue naiv) miracles one needs ?


Of course there exist spiritual effects, which can be defined as miracles. However, such effects can come from both, divine or satanic sources.

Anyway, it is very easy to understand the nature of the source of such a spiritual effect:
Check out the lifestyle and morality of the individual which was in connection with the related spiritual effect/s, or which has caused or transmitted such effect/s.

If that individual was a murderer, or a war lord, or a scruplesless businessman, than the source of the effects can certainly not be of divine nature, but must be of disbalanced, satanic nature.

If the effects have been shown in connection with a morally healthy, honest, humile, balanced individual, then -and only then- the source of such effects may indeed be of divine nature.