Index to some of the verses of Quran
* * Torment to Non-believers-> 4:56
* * Only Islam Acceptable-> 3:85
* * No friends from outsiders-> 3:118
* * No friends with Jews, Christians-> 5:51
* * No friends with non believers->4:114 3:28
* * No friends with parents/siblings if not believers-> 9:23
* * Fight non-believers-> 9:123
* * Kill non-believers-> 4:89
* * Anti Jew verses-> 5:82
* * God a "plotter", deceiver -> 8:30
* * Killing Idolaters-> 9:05
* * Idolaters are unclean just because they are idolater-> 9:28
* * Forcing Christians and Jews to pay tax-> 9:29
* * The Torment of Hell-> 44:43-58
* * All except Muslims/Jews/Christians/Sabeans will go to hell-> 2:62 5:69
* * Cast terror in the hearts, smite the neck and cut fingertips of unbelievers-> 8:12
* * smite the neck of unbelievers->47:4
* * Severe Punishment for atheists-> 10:4 5:10 5:86
* * Severe Punishment for non-believers-> 22:19-22 72:23 98:6
* * Punishing non-believers of Hereafter-> 17:10
* * Punishing for rejecting faith-> 3:91
* * Non believers go to hell-> 4:140 7:36
* * Partial Believers go to hell too-> 4:150-1
* * Sadistic punishments-> 56:42-43
* * Punishment for apostates-> 16:106 3:86-88 3:90 4:137
* * Threat of punishment for not going to war-> 9:38-39 48:16
* * God making someone more sinful so he can be punished more-> 3:178
* * Intentionally preventing unbelievers from knowing the truth-> 6:25 6:110
* * Intentionally preventing unbelievers from Understanding Quran-> 17:45-76
* * It is God who causes people to err and He punishes them for that-> 17:97
* * God could guide, if he chose to, but did not-> 6:35
* * Intentionally misguiding those whom he pleases to->14:4
* * Willfully misguiding some-> 16:93
* * God causes human to err-> 4:143 7:178
* * God deceiving human-> 4:142
[material provided by: youtube/user/ISLAM4THICKONES]
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Muslims claim quran to be written by Allah.
What a total nonsens.
Such claims are a betrayal and make you muslims to betrayers!
Sun circulating around the earth!
Sure 14, 32-33
Sure 21:33
Sure 36, 40
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Yes that's true. Such is life. We meet people that have different view points from us and we must accept this and move on. No matter how much we argue about this, I can see that neither of us is going to budge. I still think I'm right but what can you do? You win some, you lose some. Nice talking to you.
Yes that's true. Such is life. We meet people that have different view points from us and we must accept this and move on. No matter how much we argue about this, I can see that neither of us is going to budge. I still think I'm right but what can you do? You win some, you lose some. Nice talking to you.
I have no viewpoint about you since I dont know you, but a clear viewpoint over Islam hatred pest. I can just say if you identify yourself with the pest, that puts a very bad light on you which makes me sad, because this is right the way which ends in the desaster.
It seems we must agree to disagree. Just out of curiosity, do you believe any religion has the potential to give you the answers you seek? And I think we have commented enough on this video so reply to me in a message.
I already got the answer. Now I dont seek anymore but can live the answer.
I already got the answer. Now I dont seek anymore but can live the answer.
You dont need religion for, but believe.
Keep well