Saturday, March 21, 2009


Which version of the bible do you read a student of comparitive religion no one has died for my sins because if jesus came to up hold the law as in mathew then the 10 commandments stand or do you belive in the jesus of florida.

First I would like to say I am not here to read books but to fulfill a task and to leave a message.
Anyway, I checked through several religious books but also of islam ideology.
Islam is no religion but ideology.
Jesus died for our sins, because his death was a symbolic act.
The cross is a symbol for hardship. Same as the herb bread.
Jesus Christ accepted the cross to tell us we shall accept the cross because in it [ in the acceptance of our destiny including hardships] lies our salvation.
This is the most essential message Jesus Christ has brought to the mankind.

So which bible should I follow ? i hope it does not have 50 000 errors in it

I do not belong to any religion or church.
I self am religion.
Every individual is somehow religion and shall write his own book of life and love.
Krishna, Buddha and some others are highest divine leaders.
Christ is the measure of all things. He stands not over, but behind all.
That is a great difference.
He serves instead to command.
I am not here to get lost in some details, but to go down to the roots, to the essence.
Just let me know if I can help you more.
God with you and in you