Friday, March 27, 2009


The prophets before jesus peace be upon him all preached (monotheism) one god. none of the previous prophets or messengers said to they people jesus peace be upon him is god or he is the son of god almighty. if christianity is the correct belief so does that mean that all those that do not follow christianity are the inmates of hell, jesus peace be upon him is word of god and the spririt of god he also raised the dead cured the blind and the cured the leper all this is told in the holy quran.

1. The Christs coming was prophezied as the coming of the [spiritual] King. King means the highest [spirit]. During his whole lifetime Jesus spoke to us about the father.
How could Jesus Christ speak about the father, without being his son?

2. Monotheism: Jesus Christs spoke to us about his father. [ONE father not more]. That means there is only one eternal creator, god or godfather. But a godfather does not want his sons to be his slaves as this is preached in islam, but to become holy spirits themselves like many of our brothers and sisters have aready become holy spirits we will achieve the same spritual status by respecting the universal laws and by accepting the holy communion [=resist to wealthy and egoistic temptation, acceptance of hardships, constructive acceptance of the destiny, co-operation with our spiritual brothers = the angels=the holy spirit, by opening the mind portals for them with our questions. "Ask and you shall receive!"] !

2. Do you really think that god requires a wealthy representantive without which no one cant come to him ?
Jesus did not belong to any church nor religion.
I do not belong to any church nor religion.
CHRIST is my lord.
After the physical death, many simple people will be in a much higher position than the popes and ayatollahs. The surprises will be huge!
Jesus Christ told us"the last will be the first and the fist will be the last".
This is why throughout his whole life Jesus lived among -and took care of- the last here on earth, because he is the first in the heaven.