Jesus Christ and its team of divine spirits [angels], teachers and archetypes are that modern beings that an everage human is even not able to guess how modern and advanced they are.
However, many distort the term "modern" believing that modern means something like 'morally weak' or 'everyting is allowed'. What a mistake!!!
The Christ and its team rather want you to have the freedom of decision in your own hands, because they want you to grow up by making your choices including mistakes and learning from the natural consequences .
This is how non-responsible individuals grow up until becoming responsible individuals.
So, modern means to be free, true, honest, logic, anti-demagogic, positive, ready to risk for a contstructive idea, creative and strong, at the same time they are decent and constructive.
The good willed know if they act in the right way they are not left alone but guided by Jesus Christ and the divine team which are waiting to be called, to be asked for, to be invited.
Responsible and self-responsible - thats all about the adversary doesn't want you to become.
The adversary is NOT your friend.
The adversary is YOUR ENEMY !!!
Think about!
Give your best!