14. When those days come closer to you shall recognize them hereon:
A tremendous beast will lead the worlds destiny; barely hidden. It will have many heads on long necks which rich out in all countries of the world. Each of the heads has many tongues which talk lies. The eyes of the heads are made of gold which will blend mankind although even the heads themself are shocking.
15. On their long necks creeping heads everywhere. And many of them toggling through the earth and where they pull out and join up, pitful people will regret those heads which appear to be poor because they seem to be without a body. However, the body is, fed by by the blood that flowed and still flows in the battles and wars.
16. But then the hunchback of the body becomes visible and many people will have compassion with the beast that seems to have a hunchback but no proper body. So the heads of the beast will be fattened by those which it lurks to devour; because to theyr desaster it has prepared the coming of the Lord of darkness. And those among the people who probably recognize the true face of that creature and turn against it will be damned by the majority and will be accused for their alleged heartlessness: they will be given to the terrible beast to be eaten by its insatiability.
17. And so it will come that the beast will take in his possession the countries and peoples of the earth. Most people however will not realize what is going on and start to kill the warners and pursuit them since the beast is getting louder and louder claiming it has to be guarded even better and to be fattened even more, because it is of a very special type and needed by the mankind, which has the duty to protect it for all the times against uprising and opposition.
And people serve the beast.
18. The beast rewards them with terrible troubles and plagues while people thank the animal and bathe themselves in its muds and excrements which is the loss of the customs, the disease of the souls, the loss of clarity, the destruction of morals and the burning greed for the scum of the false gold.
19. And there will be a great chaos in which all order gets lost and in the everyday derision meets a deity light which is meagerly recognized; because of the animals hunchback which has grown up to a mountain throwing terrible shadows.
20. Once all this will have come, the grim animal will reveal his claws. And suddenly everyone will see that it was lying to them since always, because it always had a body and it always was seeking for ways to feed and swell itself more and more.
But now it is too late for repentance.
21st Another sign will Tanit reveal to you, the consort of Baal-Hammon, the gentle princess of the middle reign.
22nd A terrible time will be coming, and terrible that time that comes before the beginning of the great slaughter, which brings the flame of horror to its high and signal gives to the in the distance attentively waiting avenger. Then the forces of evil will brake the last wall which until then obstacled their full development: They will destroy the power of light of the women, wear down and beat them cruelly. But many will not understand it, blinded run to the iron themselves.
23rd For in that time sharp irons will pass over the womens heads and necks, and almost everywhere the precious hair of women are cut to the ground. The servants of darkness operate the shameful doing.
24th Mountains of women's cut off hair will pile up, for the fury demons their lust. While insanity will also come over the girls, so that even themselves will bow down their necks before the greedy iron to get shaved off their long hair, as the tongues of the evil will call them to do so.
25th The men will be watching the shameful doing with perplexity, their nature already paralyzed.
26th After a short time, most of women and girls will be shaved and with short hair, which can't receive no power anymore. The once fallen hair however is dead.
27th As no power flow will be anymore from the divine sources into the women of the earth world. Slaves are they all now, because only few of them can preserve their valuable hair length.
28th Now the time has come for the very devil Shaddeins to dominate the earth. Nothing more prevents them - not the men nor the women. People will live in dances of madness, not seeing with their sickened eyes, what is going on, raging in diseased mind.
29th Later people will realize that they have prayed in false temples and served a false god, which is in truth no other than the adversary. Then the temples will be destroyed. And with loud cries the word of truth will be found and viewed with great regrete
30th Powerful though is now the massiv beast. With glowing breath it spits upon the arthly world. And the gold falling from the eyes of the heads, but below is rigid stone. And the powers of hell attack the earthly world with venom and plague. The people calling for help to the warners of the past, but they have already killed them.
31st Many of the people awake from wild madness to which they previously believed and which they have served. Many will cry and beg and beg, because they have no strenghts anymore for the long struggle, no courage they know anymore, all pride they have lost, rotten is theyr blood for a long time. These all go under.
32nd Hearken, hearken and respect, if those things happen: Then the end is near! The evil will subject the whole world and rule for a limited time. But soon rises the avenger. Once he comes, he judges just and terrible. To none of the servants of evil he shows mercy, none of the lukewarm one he will leave alive. He cleans all the vessels.
33rd Destroyed must be all that what is unclean, and twisted what draws the darkness. So that thenceforth only pure seed will be attracted from the ocean of silence, and a new humanity can form, which is clear and bright.
34th And that ye him, the avenger, recognized, I will show you: On the top of the worlds mountain summit he awaits his day. The white eagles solar wings will carry him. A lighening in the midnight will announce him.
35th This sends and says Tanit to you who will be chosen for the decisive battle: you will all the monster heads cut off and hanting the leader of the hellish world in the escape. You will kill all the wicked, and not spare anyone who is not just. You will clarigy the earth and rid the world of darkness for a thousand years.
36th One of you will be the first, and you will follow him. And the battle will last for three months.
37th This speaks to you Tanit - with sore heart. For awful terrible comes to you in the wickedness its nature. And dreadful it must be ended. The devils understand only the language of the gagging - so they must be strangled themself.
38th Then know, finally, that you understand that you are the earthly world already sixth of humanity. Five others were already burned in fire and toxic smoke and flood; only wild animals remained which once were man. But new came up - and new will come up again.
39th Eternal is IL's working, wise and full of hope.
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