Today the number 66 chatched my attantion in various occasions.
No doubt: This is the day of inspiration for this number.
The first click on Google reveals:
- There are 66 books in the Bible, the "word of God."
- The book of books, Isaiah, has 66 chapters. (See Isa. 66 = II Thes. 2 parallel.)
- On page 66 of James Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible are found the word topics, "anoint, anointed, anointedst, anointest, anointing," which is the meaning of the word Messiah/Christ.
- There are 1189 chapters in the Bible. 1189 = 66 x 18 + 1. Eighteen is the same as 6 + 6 + 6. Hence the total number of chapters in the Bible immediately follows this line-up of 6 6 6, illustrating an immediate juxtaposition of exact opposites: the word of God versus the antichrist.
Let us bow down before our LORD
[note: The bible is certainly not the word of God per se. The Bible is man written work, which however contains the word of the Christ which is one with Godfather in its spirit. That means Christ is the living Word of God wich is written in the Bible. - OGMIOS]