For countless earth-years My Mother has come to earth with a message of warning to Her children. Needless to say, this warning made no impression upon many. It falls upon human nature, the oddity of human nature being that mankind can repeat his mistakes because he has not suffered in his generation the trial that fell upon a distant past degenerate generation. I assure you, My children, that the Chastisement that shall be set upon mankind in your generation shall be far worse than mankind has ever experienced since the beginning of creation! In the conflagration there will be little flesh left. "As I made known to you through countless seers upon earth, the time is upon mankind now, the testing, the separation of My sheep from the goats. "This testing was forced upon mankind by a fact that man in his human nature has given himself over now to corruption, immorality, and sin, a sophisticated sin far worse in its vileness than man has ever committed in the past. And I assure you, My children, with the Chastisement this sin shall not be committed again.” – Jesus, May 13, 1978