There are two fundamentally contrasting ways of perception of life, existence and co-existence:

The retarded individual and the society of spiritual and mental disbalance live ia a VERTICAL UNIVERSE [=the universe of suppression, demagoguery, falsehood, promotion of polarization and discrimination, dictatorship, totalitarity]
The retarded individual and the society of spiritual and mental disbalance live ia a VERTICAL UNIVERSE [=the universe of suppression, demagoguery, falsehood, promotion of polarization and discrimination, dictatorship, totalitarity]
The advanced individual and the society of spiritual and mental balance live in a HORIZONTAL UNIVERSE [= the universe of individual freedom, rationality, honesty, friendship in tolerance, democracy, modesty]
What it means:
It means that the disbalanced individual of the first group always fight against each other as also against the rest of the world, because in a vertical universe everyone is a potential enemy since everyone wants to get at the top in order to dominate/discriminate or even exterminate the other. If there is no external enemy they will find an internal one. The unwilled, the less honest and the less endeavoured are not ready to grow up themselves by learning from the more industrious society, but blame them for theft/exploitation. The first one are even convinced that the latter one must be conquered and subjugated by force. -> these are the islamic declared fundamentals as everyone can learn about it in quran. [Communism told only when all will be brought down to the least common denominator peace will be - Islam goes farther and says only when all will be brought down below the muslims peace will be]
The balanced individuals of the second group seek a live in reconcigliation and common sense. They respect the more advanced individual and are happy to get a chance to learn from it.
In an allegorical way the two groups speak different languages [have completely different perceptions of truth which results in contrasting targets], so they can even not understand each other.