Saturday, January 3, 2009


We can approach this question on a superficial way [as too many people does - willingly or unwillingly] or we can go down to the roots.

When we go down to the roots we have to recognize that we handle with two contrasting cultures which can co-exist in peace and florish together only with the necessary good will.

> NO DOUBT about the Israelis their honest will to live in peace along with the Arabs.

> DOUBT about the Arabs their honest will to live in peace along with the Israelis, since...

  1. The Arabs want to drive the Jews into the sea. Some among them would like to wipe Israel off the map.
  2. All peace treaties, inclusive the most recent one of Camp David under Clinton [ two-state-solution ] felt short after missing ratification by the Palestinians. [How is this possible. This is the true tragedy. What is the reason for? Could it be that the corrupt palestinian leaders are not at all interested in peace because they would personally not profit from?] .
  3. Hamas exists practically only for the fulfillment of its own declared fundamental task: annihilation of Israel.

These are the three roots of the problem ! So why continue surfing around on the surface ?

After all, there is indeed no doubt anymore about WHO threatens and WHO is threatened.

"We can forgive the muslims for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peacewith the muslims when they love their children more than they hate us." Golda Meir